
Collagen synthesis is severely diminished in osteoarthritis; thus, enhancing it may help the regeneration of cartilage. Collagen synthesis is submitted to a large procollagen cycle where the greater part of the newly synthesized protein is degraded inside the cell producing a huge waste of material and energy. We have applied the Metabolic Control Analysis approach to study the control of collagen synthesis flux by means of the response coefficients of the flux with respect to glycine, proline and lysine. Our results show that the main cause of the procollagen cycle is a protein misfolding mainly due to glycine scarcity, as well as a moderate deficiency of proline and lysine for collagen synthesis. Thus, increasing these amino acids in the diet (especially glycine) may well be a strategy for helping cartilage regeneration by enhancing collagen synthesis and reducing its huge waste in the procollagen cycle; this possibly contributes to the treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis.

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