
Part I.—Automatic programming techniques for analogue computers. Part II.—Hybrid techniques and related applications. Part III.—Analogue vs. digital techniques. Part I APACHE cole is presented and its related subrontines: CRESSIDA (Conplage REverSible StatIque Digital Analogique) project is also examined for input-output control of analogue computers through use of punched cards. SATANAS (Semi AnTomatic ANAlogue Setting) concludesPart I with explanations of CETIS preject for semi-automatizing patch-panel connections, of analogue computers. Part II A brief survey is given of Euratom project for linkage between analogue and digital computers (1961–62). Then SIOUX (Sequential Iterative Operation UnitX groups) is presented for control of operation mode (Initial Condition, Operate, Hold) of integrators on analogue computers. SIOUX is suitable for most-slow analogue computers. An hybrid-block diagram language is mentioned, proposed by CETIS, for programming hybrid computations. At last a mention is made of hybrid applications which have already been done on CETIS computers. Part III One starts discussing the comparison between problem solution via digital and via analogue techniques, considering latest developments of both techniques. The difference is studied between the concept of simulation and the concept of computation and modifications are mentioned which are going, to arise in systematic manmachine approaches. Experiences are mentioned, done at CETIS, in comparing, analogue and digital integration subroutines. One gives a forecast for future generations of analogne computers.

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