
At Fish Culture Research and Development Center Nucet, Dambovita county (CCDP Nucet), in 2010 have done research on knowledge of parasite fauna of Oreochromis niloticus (Tilapia) species–Teleostei, Ciclidae, by investigating a number of 53 ex., consisting of fingerlings obtained in July at Nucet (T0) reared in a concrete tank with natural food and one year old fingerlings (T1) reared in two different systems: on polyculture into an earthen pond and into tanks with flowtrough system (Ewos tanks). In Ewos tanks stoking densities were 200 fish/m3 (1 fish/5 liters of water) and 325 fish/m3 (1 fish/3 liters of water) respectively. In pond (earthen pond), were stoked 200 fish/ha with young P. spathula 0+, C. carpio 2+ and Ct. idella 3+. Feeding of Tilapia was based solely on natural food from pond and in Ewos tanks Tilapia 1 was fed on special protean feed (Aller Tilapia XS) with a protein content of 33 %. Tilapia 1 registered a body growth of 16.8 times for variant with 1 fish/3 liters of water, 21.6 times for variant with 1 fish/5 liters of water and 38.3 times for variant in earthen pond. Ichthyopatological examinations revealed the presence of a total of 11 species of parasites belonging to the following systematic groups Fungus (2), Protista (7), Nematode (1) and Artropoda (1), parasitizing intensity ranging from single exemplars to multiple exemplars.

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