
Having reviewed, in our first paper on this subject, the tipper portion of the Lower Oolite, down to the Stonesfield slate inclusive, we propose in this to give some account of the lowest member of this formation, the Inferior Oolite, and then to pass on, in descending order, to the Lias. The district under consideration has, of late years, been very generally and carefully examined by many able and experienced geologists; but nevertheless additions to our knowledge of its Geology are from time to time being made; and our own practical experience in the field confirms the belief often expressed by others, that, however much may have been done in any particular spot, there is always something left to reward intelligence and zeaThe student, however, must not be discouraged at being at first able to add but few new facts to the list; he must bear in mind that one truth well authenticated is worth a hundred hasty generalizations and unfounded conclusions. The book of Nature is open to all who choose to read it; and he who, studying it in an honest and earnest spirit, adds something to the stock of general knowledge, even though it should be but a little, yet that little is worth recording, and is deserving of support and encouragement from the scientific public. Without actual reference to the wonderful revelations of Geology, our great poet, Shakespeare, has said, almost prophetically, that there are “sermons in stones, and good in everything;” and, certainly, the geological student may literally adopt this motto.

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