
Herb with leaves crowded at the apex of a short rootstock. Leaves elliptic or ovate, acute, base cuneate or subrounded or occasionally slightly cordate, bi-serrate, 5-8-5 cm. long, 2-7-4-6 cm. wide, upper surface greyish-green, lower paler and more tawny, when young densely hirsute with tawny multicellular hairs on both surfaces, older with hairs scattered except on the hirsute nerves on the lower surface; lateral nerves 6-7 pairs, prominent or subprominent below, somewhat faint above; petioles 1. 2-6-5 cm. long, tawny hirsute. Peduncles axillary, tawny hirsute, 13'5-18 cm. long, branching to form a cymose inflorescence with 6-7 flowers; bracts at apex of peduncle narrow, linear acute, entire, densely tawny hirsute below, almost glabrous above, c. 8 mm. long, 1-5 mm. wide at base, bracteoles similar but smaller; pedicels slender c. 1-5 cm. long, hirsute, some of the hairs glandular. Calyx

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