
DISCUSSION of detailed theories of stellar evolution is overshadowed by the fact that the time-scale is once again in the melting-pot. I think it will be agreed that if Prof, de Sitter is right in regarding the facts as indicating a rapid expansion of the universe or scattering apart of the galaxies, the very long time-scale of billions of years which has been fashionable of late becomes exceedingly incongruous: we should have to accept an age of the order 1010 years for the galaxies and presumably also for the stars. But the theory of the expanding universe is in some respects so preposterous that we naturally hesitate before committing ourselves to it. It contains elements apparently so incredible that I feel almost an indignation that anyone should believe in it—except myself. I have had a special reason for believing it which I have referred to from time to time, but it was not until last month that I was able to put it into definite shape.

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