
Sickle cell anemia is a disease of abnormal rheology caused by acute and reversible, as well as chronic and irreversible, changes in the properties and deformability of sickle erythrocytes. Deformability is determined by several factors, including intracellular sickle hemoglobin polymerization, the abnormal membrane properties of sickle cells, and the abnormal rheological properties of the soluble concentrated hemoglobin solution within dense sickle red blood cells. In this study, we used a 5-microns pore nickel mesh filter to evaluate quantitatively the effects of these factors on the filterability of erythrocytes containing sickle hemoglobin. We used sickle trait and sickle/beta(+)-thalassemia cells, because they have minimal membrane abnormalities or density heterogeneity, to investigate the effects of polymer formation on rheological properties. We found that filterability of these cells is sensitive to small amounts of intracellular polymer and that impaired filtration is linearly related to oxygen-dependent polymer formation, up to a polymer fraction of 0.3. By increasing the proportion of dense cells in populations of normal cells or cells from individuals with sickle syndromes and equilibrating these cells with gas ligands, we estimate that polymerization, even at 95% saturation, contributes twice as much to impaired filterability of sickle erythrocytes as the abnormal membranes in homozygous sickle cell disease. At lower saturation values, the effects of polymer are even greater. The viscosity of the concentrated hemoglobin in dense cells had the smallest effect, over physiologically relevant saturation values. These results emphasize the importance of sickle hemoglobin polymerization in the pathogenesis of sickle cell disease and should help define its pathophysiology and responses to therapy in quantitative terms.

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