
Sediment transport in alluvial rivers is critical to reshape channel morphology and to the global geochemical cycle. This study reports a detailed investigation into the contributions of different sources to sediment transport in the Middle Yangtze River (MYR). It is found that: (i) after the operation of the Three Gorges Project (TGP), the dominant sediment source in the MYR changed from the upstream input to the fluvial erosion and tributary input, with the upstream input providing 38% of the outlet sediment amount in the MYR and the fluvial erosion and tributary input providing around 39% and 23%, respectively; (ii) river bed erosion contributed to 21% of the transported sediment after the TGP, whereas bank erosion contributed to around 18%, which was estimated to be 2 times larger if bank protection works were not constructed after the TGP; (iii) in terms of the sediment transport processes of different fractions after the TGP, the fraction of fine sediment (diameter d ≤ 0.31 mm) in the MYR mainly came from the upstream and tributary input, and the fraction of medium sediment (0.31 mm < d ≤ 0.125 mm) almost equally came from each source, whereas the fraction of coarse sediment (d > 0.125 mm) was primarily eroded from the bed and banks. Besides, the MYR was transformed from a transport-limited river system into a supply-limited one after the TGP operation, with the total amount of sediment supply accounting for 21% of its transport capacity under current flow and boundary conditions. The development of bed armoring in the main stream and the construction of various river regulation works, would result in a further decrease in the sediment supply rate of the MYR in the future.

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