
Third trimester bleeding is a common concern in obstetrics. The main objective of this work was to study the management of hemorrhages in the third trimester of pregnancy in the maternity ward of the Sominé Dolo hospital in Mopti. Our prospective descriptive cross-sectional survey type study conducted at the maternity ward of Sominé Dolo hospital in Mopti over a period from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017 included 94 cases collected. During this period we had performed 1485 deliveries including 94 cases of pregnancies complicated by 3rd trimester hemorrhage, a frequency of 6.33%. The main cause of hemorrhage in the third trimester was represented by placenta preavia 42.6% followed by retroplacental hematoma 28.7%, uterine rupture 26.6% and association Placenta preavia and retroplacental hematoma 2.1%. The type of intervention depended on the cause of the hemorrhage and the maternal and fetal condition. More than half of the cases of uterine rupture 52% had benefited from a hysterorrhaphy during a laparotomy (n = 13/25) against 48% from hysterectomy (n = 12/25). Caesarean section was performed in 87.5% (n = 35/40) against 12.5% vaginal delivery (n = 5/40) in case of placenta preavia. In the end, in 74% of cases (n = 20/27) of retroplacental hematoma, first-line cesarean section was performed. The maternal prognosis was represented by a mortality rate of 12% (n = 11/94) and morbidity dominated by hypovolemic shock 48.9% (n = 22/94), infections 28.8% (n = 13/94) and coagulopathy 11.1% (n = 5/94). The fetal prognosis was very poor. More than half (55%) of the newborns had succumbed against 45% of the newly born. In 55.3% of cases neonatal mortality occurred antenatally. Neonatal morbidity was represented by prematurity, i.e. 20.2% (n = 19/94) and low birth weight, i.e. 22.3% (n = 21/94).

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