
Strandings caused by anthropogenic factors are one of the most worrying threats in relation to the conservation of cetacean species, and in the case of Chile, due to its geography and large extension of the coastline, monitoring and access to these events is difficult, making their study more complex. Chile has a shortage of specialized scientific forensic research facilities for cetaceans; however, for this study, it was able to collect data recorded from official institutions and sporadic scientific biological sampling oriented to investigate the causes of death or stranding. According to the Chilean government official database, we described that the main causes of unusual mortality events (UME) and mass strandings from 2015 and 2016 were acute poisoning by biotoxins and strandings by multiple possible causes, respectively, while individual strandings would have their causes in anthropogenic activities, such as entanglements in fishing and aquaculture gears and collisions with vessels. The predominant species in mass strandings was the sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis). The geographical area of greatest prominence in mass strandings was the Aysén Region in the Central Patagonia of Chile, while the species mostly involved in individual strandings along the south-central, central, and northern coasts of Chile was the small porpoise (Phocoena spinipinnis). The most common gross pathological findings were advance decay of the carcasses and non-specific wounds of different natures.

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