
Knowledge of the diversity of the bryophytic flora of the Tafoughalt massif in north- eastern Morocco is insufficient and poorly known. The present study is the first bryological work on this massif. The bryophytic exploitation, which lasted three years (2015-2017) during periods favourable for sampling, revealed the existence of 30 bryophyte taxa, 27 of which belong to the Mosses and 3 to the Hepatica, divided respectively into 21 genders and 10 families (90%) then 3 genders and 3 families (10%). The most represented families are the Pottiaceae, Brachytheciaceae and Bryaceae. The most species rich genera are Bryum and Tortula. Four species are the most abundant in this massif, including three mosses and one liverwort:Grimmia decipiens, Orthotrichum rupestre, Pleurochaete squarrosa and Targionia hypophylla. We report the presence of two species new to the bryophytic flora of Morocco. These are Amblystegium serpens and Oxyrrhynchium speciosum. These two species are very rare in our study site according to the ecological significance index (ESI). There are five species newly observed in the region. The majority of taxa (more than 90% taxa) are saxicolous and/or terracolous.

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