
Sampling sites, located along the Calabria and Basilicata Regions coastal beaches (south of Italy), were selected to assess the external gamma dose rate in air, 1 m above ground, and to estimate the fraction attributable to the radiocesium and radiopotassium contents along the vertical sand profile. Mean values for the gamma dose rate were: 76r30 nGy . h –1 . 137 Cs and 40 K deposition densities in sand samples were determined for each sampling site (mean values 0.24r0.22 kBq . m –2 and 178r88 kBq . m –2 , respectively). The 137 Cs external dose rate contribution was assessed using a Monte Carlo simulation code. The method gives an estimation of the contribution to the external gamma dose rate of each sand layer along the vertical profile. The dose rate associated with the 137 Cs content in sand was 0.16r0.14 nGy . h –1 . The cosmic radiation and 40 K contributions to the external gamma dose rate were estimated using the UNSCEAR methodologies. The values obtained were 34r3 nGy . h –1 and 18r9 nGy . h –1 , respectively.

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