
Ponte Academic JournalDec 2019, Volume 75, Issue 12 CONTRIBUTION TO THE DETERMINATION OF POTENTIAL AREAS FOR RECHARGE OF THE EL MADHER PLAIN WATER TABLE BY A CARTOGRAPHIC APPROACH (BATNA, ALGERIA)Author(s): Zine-eddine Khomri ,Mohamed Nacer ChabacaJ. Ponte - Dec 2019 - Volume 75 - Issue 12 doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2019.12.7 Abstract:In Algeria, in arid and semi-arid areas where precipitation is below 200-350 mm isohyetes and the absence of superficial water resources, groundwater exploitation is the only way to achieve Needs (agriculture, drinking water, industry). In order to ensure the sustainability of this increasingly scarce resource and in view of the increase in demands, it is imperative to ensure optimal management. From this perspective, knowledge of potential recharge areas and the recharge rate of aquifers are of particular interest in all studies of sustainable management of water resources. This study is a contribution to the determination of potential areas for aquifer recharge. The proposed methodology is a cartographic approach, based on the analysis of major factors (precipitation, drainage density, lineament density, slope, soil permeability, vegetation cover, geomorphology) governing infiltration in this area. The analysis was based on the use of a Geographical Information System (GIS) and was made possible thanks to the development of the different spatialized data layers, descriptive of these different factors. This work allowed the classification of the study area (El Madher Plain, Batna, Algeria) into three sectors: 66.7% of the total area very favorable to recharge, 25.99% of the total area moderately Favorable and 5.99% of the total less favorable surface area. Download full text:Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institution Username Password

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