
With the continuous evolution and convergence of wireless technologies, mobile devices and sensors, the mobile, ubiquitous and pervasive learning have appeared next to the e-learning to re-organize, on the one hand, the way users interact with the technology, and on the other hand, to provide users a permanent and transparent access to information and contextual services in any time, everywhere and in all situations. Lots of works have already been done in mobile and pervasive learning domain on how to integrate the learning process to work whatever the place, time, work individual or collective and integrate of the mobile and pervasive devices in broader training scenarios, and contexts. The pervasive learning systems are context-aware; the main requirement is to adapt them to the changes of context (learner profile, location, mobile devices, and environment). In this paper, we try to answer to the request what and how do we adapt in pervasive learning system. In the first step, we propose an approach focused on the skills and not only on the acquisition of knowledge, we rely on the use of learning situations contextualized based on learning and tasks evaluation to make significant learning by modifying the learning scenario model used in literature. The adaptation of the pervasive learning system must be flexible which allows to the learner for example to answer a question in different ways (using the palette of terms or by typing the solution…); therefore it is necessary to adapt the interface of interaction by adapting the information, their presentation and selecting the media and the media related factors such as image or video quality and size….

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