
In the Carpathian-basin many of the early-medieval church types were the rotundas, but the majority of these churches have not survived in their original form. Most of these churches were modified into larger churches, or were destroyed during the Ottoman invasion. In this paper, it is proved, that the rotundas in the Carpathian-basin are not the result of adoption. Their large numbers, described by their small sizes and special forms, supports this supposition. This paper covers the reconstruction work of a rotunda in the mountains of Gerecse. During excavation, not only the hewn stones of the foundation walling were found but other findings come to light as well. The reconstruction plan of the church was assisted by these findings and also by data of other similar churches survived in their original form. The church was reconstructed not far from the place of the excavation using contemporary technology. The reconstruction of the church is the center part of this work, but we will also talk briefly about the process of implementation and the technology of the age as well.

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