
Experiments demonstrate that the mean residence time of an inert gas in tissue is longer than that predicted by a single-compartment model of gas exchange. Also the relative dispersion (RD, the standard deviation of residence times divided by the mean) is 1 according to this model, but RDs in real tissues are closer to 2, suggesting that a multiple-compartment model might be more accurate. The residence time of a gas is proportional to its solubility in the tissue. Although the noble gases in particular are 10 times more soluble in lipid than in nonlipid tissues, models of gas exchange generally do not incorporate measurements of the lipid in tissue, which may lead to error in the predicted gas residence times. Could a multiple-compartment model that accounts for the lipid in tissue more accurately predict the mean and RD of gas residence times? In this study, we determined the mean and RD of Xe residence times in intact and surgically isolated muscles in a canine model. We then determined the lipid content and the perfusion heterogeneity in each tissue, and we used these measurements with a multiple-compartment model of gas exchange to predict the longest physiologically plausible Xe residence times. Even so, we found the observed Xe mean residence times to be twice as long as those predicted by the model. However, the predicted RDs were considerably larger than the observed RDs. We conclude that lipid alone cannot account for the residence times of Xe in tissue and that a multiple-compartment model is not an accurate representation of inert gas exchange in tissue.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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