
In Portugal, the training of educators and teachers of the early years includes various components, requiring the conclusion of an internship report on the supervised teaching practice. In the Escola Superior de Educacao de Santarem this report includes a research component. This qualitative study analyzes the role of research conducted by future teachers and educators in mathematics with regard to their professional development, aiming to identify aspects of didactical knowledge concerning the tasks, which are evident in these reports. The data are collected by documentary analysis of the reports made in the courses that enable to teach Childhood Education to the 2nd cycle of basic education, school years 2010-2011 to 2014-2015. The studies conducted involving various mathematical topics and the use of different kinds of tasks that rely essentially on the use of manipulatives and the promotion of various representations. The study evidence shows that the investigative component, focused on teaching and learning of mathematics, allows them to develop research skills and deepen their knowledge of tasks, in particular, the analysis and reflection of its implementation with students, their productions and work in the classroom. Future teachers and educators identify gains and suggest future action strategies.

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