
For the first time considered contribution of scientists and doctors of Don region -К. S. Agadzhanyants, Z.N. Grzhebin, М.М. Gardashyan, P.P. Kovalenko, who were working at Rostov State Medical University and made a contribution in development of medicine and health science of different Black Sea regions Crimea, Turkey, Georgia, Romania, Bulgaria. Obtaining of knowledge and experience in medical activity, they were working and teaching not only in Warsaw and Don universities, but also in Sophia and Constantinopolitan universities, defended Crimea and Sevastopol during the Great Patriotic War.After Russian revolution in 1917 psychiatrist, neurologist, professor, doctor of medicine, graduate of the medical faculty of the Imperial Military Medical Academy of St. Petersburg K. S. Aghajanyants emigrated to Turkey for reasons of policy. Student of V. Bekhterev participated in the IX Pirogov Congress with report on the role of psychotherapy in dermatology, trained in Lisbon, Berlin, was a consultant on nerve diseases of the Southern (Caucasian) Front, worked in the Red Cross, taught at University of Constantinople and Sofia University. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Z.N. Grzhebin was known in the USSR as a dermatovenereologist, he worked in Rostov-on-Don, Sochi, and Crimea. A graduate of the medical faculty of Kazan University, during the First World War, he as K.S. Aghajanyants, was on the Caucasian front, trained in Berlin. Professor Z.N. Grzhebin was a member of the board of the All-Union Society of Dermatovenerologists, dealt with problems of syphilis, skin lesions with poisonous substances, and the treatment of skin diseases in resort of Sochi-Matsesta. He took part in work of the expert commissions of the Ministry of Health of the USSR, held the posts of the dean and deputy director of Rostov Medical Institute, was head of the dermatological clinic and scientific part of the scientific research balneological institute of Sochi. Together with him worked native of present-day Turkey, the director of the Rostov Medical Institute M.M. Gardashian, whose fate was still classified in the state archives of Russia and the Rostov region after unreasonable political repression. Having headed work of Rostov Medical Institute, while holding the post of director, as well as an associate professor of the department of surgery faculty, in 1936 under his leadership a number of students of the Release of 1941 who during the Great Patriotic War rendered medical assistance to inhabitants of Crimea, defending Sevastopol, Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol, Novorossiysk. P.P. Kovalenko, graduate of the Fiery Release, after the war, headed the Department of General Surgery, became a Rector of Rostov Medical Institute, was first in the USSR to organize a regional tissue bank that provided donor tissues to the hospitals of Crimea and the North Caucasus, and represented the USSR in Romania in exchange of experience. Studies of the fate of doctors and Don scientists who made a significant contribution to the development of medicine and health in the regions of the Black Sea region are interdisciplinary and international. They reflect the development of the internal and foreign policy of the USSR, the difficult period of political repression, forced emigration, and the exchange of medical experience of the universities of Black Sea region.

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