
The origin of the abundance pattern and also the (anti)correlation present among the elements found in stars of globular clusters (GCs) remains unimproved until date. The proton-capture reactions are presently recognised in concert of the necessary candidates for that sort of observed behaviour in the second generation stars. We tend to propose a reaction network of a nuclear cycle namely carbon–nitrogen–oxygen–fluorine (CNOF) at evolved stellar condition since fluorine $$(^{19}\hbox {F})$$ is one such element which gets plagued by proton capture reactions. The stellar temperature thought about here ranges from $$2\times 10^{7}$$ to $$10\times 10^{7}$$ K and there has been an accretion occuring, with material density being $$10^{2}\hbox { g/cm}^{3}$$ and $$10^{3}\hbox { g/cm}^{3}$$ . Such kind of temperature density conditions are probably going to be prevailing within the H-burning shell of evolved stars. The estimated abundances of $$^{19}\hbox {F}$$ are then matched with the info that has been determined for a few some metal-poor giants of GC $$\hbox {M}4,\hbox { M}22,\, 47$$ Tuc as well as NGC 6397. As far as the comparison between the observed and calculated abundances is concerned, it is found that the abundance of $$^{19}\hbox {F}$$ have shown an excellent agreement with the observed abundances with a correlation coefficent above 0.9, supporting the incidence of that nuclear cycle at the adopted temperature density conditions.

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