
The main milestones of scientific and pedagogical activity, as well as the life path of one of the leading representatives of aviation medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, outstanding researcher and wonderful teacher, author of works on the problem of influence of overload and hypervesomity on the body and central nervous system of man- Boris MikhailvichSavin are considered. Separate moments of his participation in the Great Patriotic War before daily work as the head of research department of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov are presented. The contribution of Boris Savin to the study of issues related to aviation and space medicine, in particular: the study of the action on the body of overload and the clarification of physiological mechanisms underlying changes in higher nervous activity at accelerations, was analyzed; Studying the state of the central nervous system when exposed to various factors; Development of neuroreflective theory of adverse effect of accelerations on human body. Boris Mikhailvich has made a huge contribution to the development of aviation and space medicine and has entered the history of aviation and space medicine through his research and scientific publications, which include monographs The influence of overload on the functional state of the central nervous system and the mechanism of disruption of its activities and Hypervesomeness and functions of the central nervous system.

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