
Sport has an important role in human life. Through sport, people can be formed who are physically and spiritually healthy and have high personality, discipline and sportsmanship so that in the end quality human beings will be formed. A reality that can be observed in the world of sports, shows a tendency for rapid increases in sporting achievements over time at both regional, national and international levels. The aim of this research is to find out how significant the contribution of leg muscle strength, leg length, running speed, and the contribution of the independent variables together are to squatting long jump performance. The research approach used in this research is quantitative research, because in this research there are several tendencies characteristic of the correlational approach. In this kind of research, we do not need to take into account the relationship between variables. The sample in this research was 40 students. (b) The results of the research show that the leg muscle strength variable makes a significant contribution to the long jump performance variable in the squat style with an effective contribution of 23.7%. The leg length variable makes a significant contribution to the squat style long jump achievement variable with an effective contribution of 38%. The running speed variable makes a significant contribution to the squat long jump achievement variable with an effective contribution of 13.3%. The variables of leg length, leg muscle strength, running speed, and foot length and ankle coordination together make a significant contribution to the squatting long jump performance by 75%. Keywords: Contribution, Long Jump and Squat Style.

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