
South Lampung Regency has 256 Village-Owned Enterprises (BumDes). A total of 47 of them are in the developing classification, so BumDes in the developing classification must be encouraged to become advanced BumDes. In order to encourage BumDes to progress, Universities (PT) have a strategic position to help develop Village-Owned Enterprises (BumDes), this is because PTs with their human resources are seen to have reliable expertise in accordance with the demands for developing BumDes. This research aims to describe the contribution of PT in the development of BumDes. The research location is Suak Village, Sidomulyo District, South Lampung Regency as a village that has a BumDes in the developing category towards Advanced BumDes. Data collection was carried out through interviews, documentation and literature study methods with BumDes actors, namely, BumDes administrators and members. Then, to complete the data, interviews were conducted with the Village Head and several people from the Suak community. Other important data was exported from secondary data, namely documentation related to BumDes and the contribution of universities. The research results illustrate that universities have contributed to developing BumDes. BumDes collaboration with PT is carried out through joint activities, where universities through teaching staff (lecturers) become facilitators and sponsors of these activities. Through community service activities as one of PT's tri-dharma, lecturers (academics) provide several materials related to efforts to develop BumDes. The weakness of the contribution from academics is that service activities are not carried out continuously or unsustainably so they do not reach the evaluation of BumDes development. Therefore, the contribution of PT with BumDes can be further increased in the form of providing more concrete material/knowledge/skills.

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