
Objectives: To analyze the position Indonesia's HCI compared to ASEAN countries in terms of the quality of health and education Study design: Analyzing secondary data published by the World Bank on the calculation HCI in 2018, Basic Health Research Report 2018 from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Publication the Central Bureau of Statistics, various international research reports. The validity of interpreting numbers through deducto verificato which has scientific truth because it passes through the stages of scientific methodology that are generally accepted in the world of science. Principal findings: Acquisition of HCI in 2018; Singapore 0.90, Vietnam 0.67, Malaysia 0.65, Thailand 0.61, Philippines 0.58, Indonesia 0.55, Camboja 0.49, Myanmar 0.49, Timor Leste 0.47, and Laos 0.46. Indonesia's position is in 6th place among ASEAN Countries, above Cambodia, Myanmar, Timor Leste, and Laos. This means that children born in Singpura have the opportunity to utilize their abilities to generate an income of 0.90, while every child born in Indonesia only has 55% of the resources to manage available opportunities. The remaining 0.45% is used as idle capacity. The remaining capacity is probably due to low supply of nutrition, growth and development constraints, low Quality Adjusted Life Year due to various diseases, low access to modern health services, low quality of classroom learning, and low purchasing power which is robbing the poor. Conclusion: Increasing HCI in Indonesia needs to be a serious concern of the Government, religious and social institutions, international agencies, communities, and families so that Indonesian people can compete in the 4.0 era.

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