
Grain marketing cooperatives assist the members in ensuring food security. However, there was no adequate study that assessed the economic, social and financial benefits of cooperatives at the district. Hence, the objective of the study was to assess the contribution of grain marketing cooperatives to the members. A cross sectional survey was employed using 114 cooperative members. Systematic sampling technique was employed to identify the sample respondents. The data were collected using structured interview schedule, group discussion, key informant discussion and observation; and were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, χ2 and partial budgeting. Partial budgeting result revealed that the members benefited because of their membership in grain marketing cooperatives The t-test and χ2 also revealed that market information, training, supply/provision of improved seed and size of livestock were significantly influencing the benefit of cooperatives to the members. Thus, cooperative promotion offices, research and NGOs need enhancing cooperatives through research and promotion activities on designing a system for value chain or market chain, selecting available service diversification; strengthening coordination and building the capacity of members for maintaining the quality of the production.

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