
This study examined the contribution of the Church Missionary Society (CMS) to the development of Westerneducation and Christianity in Kaloleni District, Kilifi County. The objectives of the study were to examine the rise anddevelopment of Western education and Christianity among the Giriama; the contribution of African teachers and catechiststowards it; and challenges the Church Missionary Society faced in Kaloleni District. Modernization theory was used in explaininghow the introduction of Western education in Kaloleni District brought social advancement and conflict among the Giriama. Thispaper was written using both primary and secondary sources. Semi-structured oral interviews were conducted to gather data onactivities of the CMS in Kaloleni District. The oral interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using qualitative method.The study findings demonstrated that the spread of Western education and Christianity in Kaloleni District led to socialtransformation of the Giriama from traditional to modern practices. The findings further revealed that African catechists played agreat role in the development of Western education and Christianity in Kaloleni District.

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