
High linear energy transfer (LET) carbon ion beam (CIB) is becoming the best tool for external radiotherapy of inoperable tumors because of its greater cell killing than conventional low LET gamma or X-rays. In the present study, whether the caspase-independent pathway exerts the important contribution in CIB-induced cell apoptosis was explored. Herein we showed, despite the absence of caspase activity using a pan caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK, that apoptosis induced by high LET CIB were clearly observed in the glioma cells. Simultaneously, the increased 8-OHdG level, PARP-1 activity and AIF translocation occurred in response to CIB irradiation. Moreover, it was distinctly higher in the nuclear translocation frequency along with PARP-1 activation when the caspase protease cascade was suppressed in the irradiated glioma cells. Nuclear colocalization between PARP-1 and AIF as well as a positive association of the PARP-1 mRNA expression with AIF translocation frequency indicated that PARP-1 activation controlled the translocation of AIF to the nucleus. Our findings strongly demonstrated that caspase-independent cell apoptosis provided a prominent compensation in the glioma cell death involving the PARP-1/AIF signaling pathway at 24h after CIB exposure, and likely triggered by oxidative damage to DNA. The knowledge on the molecular mechanism of AIF-mediated cell death may be very useful for the improvement of the therapeutic efficacy of malignant gliomas with heavy charged particles.

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