
Purpose: The paper describes the contribution of Archbishop Zacchaeus Okoth to the development of higher education in the Nyanza Region of Kenya. It also dealt with the nature of the Nyanza region before the development of Uzima University. Methodology: Being a historical study, the historical method of inquiry was used to enable a deeper understanding of the phenomenon. Primary sources of data accessed included oral testimonies of actual participants' archival documents like personal materials and institutional information of written notes, photographs, minutes of meetings before the establishment of the institution, and publications. Secondary sources included books, journals, published and unpublished. The oral interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using qualitative methods. Results: The study findings demonstrated that Archbishop Okoth as an individual has contributed greatly not only to education but also to the medical sector in the Nyanza Region and Kenya. In addition, the study reveals that the Archdiocese of Kisumu together with the people of Nyanza region had an impact on the establishment of the institution and development. It can be concluded that Archbishop Zacchaeus played a vital role in the growth and development of higher education in Nyanza Region through the establishment of Uzima University. The institution has contributed a lot not only to the people of the Nyanza region but to Kenya at large. The impact has been felt a lot by the people of Kisumu and the Archdiocese of Kisumu, producing qualified doctors and nurses.

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