
AbstractUnburnt patches within burnt landscapes are expected to provide an important resource for fauna, potentially acting as a refuge from direct effects of fire and allowing animals to persist in burnt landscapes. Nevertheless, there is little information about the way refugia are used by fauna and how populations may be affected by them. Planned burns are often patchy, with unburnt areas generally associated with gully systems providing a good opportunity to study faunal use of refugia. We used a before–after control‐impact design associated with a planned burn in south eastern Australia to investigate how two small mammal species, the bush rat Rattus fuscipes and agile antechinus Antechinus agilis, used unburnt gully systems within a larger burnt area. We tested three alternative hypotheses relating to post‐fire abundance: (i) active refugia – abundance would increase in unburnt patches because of a post‐fire shift of individuals from burnt to unburnt areas; (ii) passive refugia – abundance in unburnt patches would remain similar to pre‐fire levels; and (iii) limited or no refugia – abundance would reduce in unburnt patches related to the change induced by fire in the wider landscape. We found the two species responded differently to the presence of unburnt refugia in the landscape. Relative to controls, fire had little effect on bush rat abundance in gullies, supporting hypothesis 2. In contrast, agile antechinus abundance increased in gullies immediately post‐fire consistent with a shift of individuals from burnt parts of the landscape, supporting hypothesis 1. Differences in site fidelity, habitat use and intraspecific competition between these species are suggested as likely factors influencing responses to refugia. The way unburnt patches function as faunal refugia and the subsequent influence they have on post‐fire population dynamics, will to some extent depend on the life history attributes of individual species.

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