
The population dynamics and behaviour of the larid assemblage of a Mediterranean coastal wetland, the Vourkari inlet in Greece, were studied during the winter of 2008–2009. More black-headed gulls (Larus ridibundus) were seen in the inlet in December, more Mediterranean gulls (Larus melanocephalus) were present from mid-January to mid-February, while little variation was observed in yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) numbers throughout winter. Bird numbers remained stable through the day for the yellow-legged gull, but fewer black-headed and Mediterranean gulls were present in the late morning than the other periods. Diurnal activity patterns showed that feeding was the primary behaviour for yellow-legged gulls and resting and sleeping for black-headed and Mediterranean gulls, with locomotion being equally important for all species. All larids were primarily feeding in the late morning period, but yellow-legged gulls were doing so in much higher proportions. These contrasting patterns suggested that the Vourkari inlet was more important as a day roost for black-headed and Mediterranean gulls and a preferred feeding ground for yellow-legged gulls. Furthermore, results suggested that resting and sleeping were interchangeable activities and all other activities had more or less the same time demands on a daily basis, and also a consistent pattern across species in sleeping proportions that might indicate cross-species synchrony in sleep patterns; however future research is needed to resolve these issues. This study provided important new information on the winter ecology of three larids and revealed patterns of wetland use by these species that could help assess the importance of certain areas and improve coastal habitat management strategies to benefit birds.

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