
Within and among species variation in trophic and habitat shifts with body size can indicate the potential adaptive capacity of species to ecosystem change. In Arctic coastal ecosystems, which experience dramatic seasonal shifts and are undergoing rapid change, quantifying the trophic flexibility of coastal fishes with different migratory tactics has received limited attention. We examined the relationships among body length and condition (Fulton’s K, phase angle from Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis) with trophic and habitat shifts (differences in δ15N and δ13C between blood tissues with different turnover rates) of two abundant and culturally important species, anadromous Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus, n = 38) and sedentary Greenland cod (Gadus ogac, n = 65) during summer in coastal marine waters near Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories, Canada. Habitat shifts (δ13C) increased with length (i.e., pelagic to benthic-littoral) and crossed-equilibrium (zero) at mid-sizes for both species. Seasonal trophic shifts (δ15N) were generally positive (i.e., increasing trophic level) for Arctic char and negative for Greenland cod. As hypothesised, intra-individual variation in size-based trophic shifts (δ15N-length residuals) increased with length for Arctic char. However, there were no trends with length in Greenland cod. Our findings highlight the importance of flexibility through ontogeny and mobility for Arctic char, whereas Greenland cod were generalist to localized prey and habitat across all sizes. The significant effect of body condition (phase angle) on size-based trophic shifts in Arctic char, and size-based habitat shifts in Greenland cod, highlight the potential trade-offs of contrasting life history strategies and capacity for ontogenetic niche plasticity.

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