
The annual commercial catch from the Southern Zone of the South Australian rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) fishery is ~1900 tonnes, representing ~50% of total landings from south-east Australia. A single minimum legal size (MLS) of 98.5 mm carapace length (CL) exists across the entire zone. Fecundity (F), size at onset of maturity (SOM) and relative reproductive potential (RRP) of female rock lobsters were investigated in two major fishing regions, i.e. the North Southern Zone (NSZ) and South Southern Zone (SSZ) with a view to providing a basis for future fine-scale spatial management of the resource. F ranged from 45,292 to 466,800 eggs per female and increased proportionally with CL according to the relationship: F = 0.0584 × CL3.1642. F was significantly higher in the NSZ compared to the SSZ but was attributed to differences in lobster size between regions. There was no significant difference in the number of eggs · g−1 of egg mass between areas. SOM, estimated as the size at which 50% of females reached sexual maturity (L50) was higher in the NSZ (104.1 mm CL) compared to SSZ (92.3 mm CL). Approximately 20% of lobsters above the MLS in the commercial catch in the NSZ were under the L50 estimate. RRP, as a measure of egg production, was calculated for each size-class from the product of F, SOM and population length–frequency. The modal RRP size-classes in the NSZ were 117.5–122.5 mm CL, while in the SSZ it was 97.5–102.5 mm CL. Only 6% of RRP was contributed by female rock lobsters below the MLS in the NSZ, compared to 34% in the SSZ. Regional differences in SOM and RRP in the Southern Zone of South Australia suggest that different MLSs may be beneficial, particularly if the fishery is to be effectively managed at finer spatial scales.

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