
AbstractAerosols modify cloud microphysical and radiative properties and thus impact the shortwave and long‐wave cloud forcing (LWCF). This study first reports the finding of contrasting aerosol effects on LWCF in South East Asia and Amazon in the Community Atmosphere Model version 5.3 (CAM5.3), which corresponds to the sum of LW indirect and semi‐direct effects investigated in Ghan et al. (2012, http://doi.org/10.1175/jcli-d-11-00650.1). A series of numerical experiments are conducted to decompose the complex aerosol effects on LWCF. Our analysis indicates that the cooling (negative aerosol effects on LWCF) in Amazon is due mainly to the aerosol effects on warm clouds and the inhibition of vertical motion by the aerosol‐induced radiative cooling. In contrast, the warming (positive aerosol effects on LWCF) in South East Asia is due mainly to the aerosol effect on homogeneous freezing, thus, reducing the ice particle size and prolonging the existence of ice cloud. Our results emphasize that a comprehensive analysis of integrated aerosol effects on both warm and ice clouds is necessary for better understanding the aerosol effects on LWCF.

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