
The objective of our study was to investigate the effect on aortic enhancement of contrast material volumes adjusted for a patient's body surface area (BSA) at CT angiography (CTA). A 64-MDCT scanner was used to perform CTA of the whole aorta in 89 patients (mean age, 68.7 years) with confirmed or suspected aortoiliac disease. The patients were divided into groups: a body weight (BW) group (n = 45) and a BSA (n = 44) group. The contrast dose was 360 mg I/kg BW in the BW group and 12,753 mg I/m(2) BSA in the BSA group. Because the average BW of Japanese adults is approximately 60 kg, the contrast dose in the two protocols was identical in patients weighing 60 kg. We compared aortic enhancement achieved with the two protocols using the two-tailed Student's t test, and we used the generalized linear model to analyze the effect of patient age, sex, and BW on aortic enhancement in each protocol group. The mean aortic enhancement in the BW and BSA groups was 324.2 and 311.7 HU, respectively; the difference was not significant (p = 0.26). In the BW group, BW had a statistically significant effect on aortic enhancement (p < 0.01), whereas neither patient age nor sex did (p = 0.08 and 0.07, respectively). In the BSA group, the age, sex, BW, and BW by sex had no statistically significant effect on aortic enhancement (p = 0.33, 023, 0.10, and 0.16, respectively). Under the BSA protocol, aortic enhancement tended to be consistent and adequate regardless of patient BW.

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