
The objective of this study was to see the effect of fuzzy intensification (INT) operator on enhancement of scintigraphic image. Nuclear medicine physician (NMP) provided 25 scintigraphic images that required enhancement. The image pixels value was converted into fuzzy plane and was subjected to contrast INT operator with parameters of INT operator i.e., cross-over = 0.5 and number of iterations = 1 and 2. The enhanced image was again brought back into spatial domain (de-fuzzification) whose intensity value was in the range 0-255. NMP compared the enhanced image with its input image and labeled it as acceptable or unacceptable. The quality of enhanced image was also accessed objectively using four different image metrics namely: Entropy, edge content, absolute mean brightness error and saturation metrics. Most of the enhanced images (18 out of 25 images) obtained at cross-over = 0.5 and number of iterations = 1 are acceptable and found to have overall better contrast compared to the corresponding input image. Four images (two brain positron emission tomography scan and two I-131 scan) obtained at cross-over = 0.5 and with iteration = 2 are acceptable. Three input images (one dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), one I-131 and one I-131- metaiodo-benzyl-guanidine (MIBG) scan) were better than their enhanced images. The enhancement produced by fuzzy INT operator was encouraging. Majority of enhanced images were acceptable at cross-over = 0.5 and number iterations = 1.

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