
In this time spent waiting for solutions that will allow us to once again acquire a stable condition for our economies, for the geopolitical equilibrium of the world population, we have been forced to acquire greater awareness of our present, of the fact that the extractive imperialist dimension towards of the planet's resources combined with population growth has potentially exhausted the opportunities for social mobility, for effective progress. This brings us to an undisputed condition of social, cultural and economic impoverishment. The current push towards a circular economy that must rapidly supplant that of consumption in relation to the virtuous, but not without shadows, practices of the Green New Deal offers us, in the midst of the uncertain evolution of the spread of COVID 19, the opportunity to bring at the center of the discussion is the relationship of care that individuals must establish with the environment, with the resources of nature and with the landscape, from which a new biocentric alliance arises that allows us, thanks to our adaptability, to 'resist in order to relive' .


  • In this time spent searching for solutions that will allow us to once again attain a stable condition for our economies, for the geopolitical equilibrium of the world population, we have been forced to acquire greater awareness of our present

  • The current push towards a circular economy that must rapidly supplant that of consumption in relation to the virtuous, but not without shadows, practices of the Green New Deal offers us, in the midst of the uncertain evolution of COVID 19, the opportunity to bring the relationship of care

  • Abbiamo in questo tempo recuperato una pro- preso cosa comporta la solitudine, la ripetitività delspettiva evoluzionistica e dobbiamo allargare il no- le giornate dentro e fuori la nostra casa, l’assenza delstro sguardo verso una visione del tempo profon- le relazioni stabili ed occasionali, la privazione del rapdo (Pievani, 2020, p.5)

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In this time spent searching for solutions that will allow us to once again attain a stable condition for our economies, for the geopolitical equilibrium of the world population, we have been forced to acquire greater awareness of our present.

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