
In 2022, the Wydawnictwo UniwersytetuGdańskiego published Umowy w działalności muzeów.Zagadnienia publicznoprawne [Contracts in MuseumOperations. Public-law Aspects] by Paulina Gwoździewicz-Matan. It is a supplement to the book by Paulina Gwoździewicz-Matan. Iwona Gredka-Ligarska, and Prof. Wojciech W. KowalskiUmowy w działalności muzeów. Prawo cywilne. Prawo autorskie[Contracts in Museum Operations. Civil Law. Copyright].The study’s Author does not deal with the application of thecorpus of public law to museum operations, but with the selectedissues related to the specificity of museums’ activityaimed at amassing and protecting collections. The first sectionsof the study tackle the legal status of museums and theimpact of subsequent regulations of public law on the contractsconcluded by museums, beginning with the basic act,namely the Act on Museums. Subsequently, the Author proceedsto analysing the Act of 11 September 2019 on PublicProcurement Law as well as fiscal regulations in the contextof such contracts. In the following chapters, the applicationof the provisions of the Act on the Security of Personal Dataand regulations concerning the disclosure of contracts by themuseums which are public sector units are discussed. A valuablecomplement to the study can be found in a set of contracttemplates contained in an Annex; they actually translate intothe summing up of the conclusions presented in the study andalso resulting from the study Contracts in Museum Operations.Civil Law. Copyright. The Annex contains the set of contracttemplates most frequently used by museums. The discussedstudy should be found in the book collection of every individualdealing with the legal aspects of museum operations.

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