
To evaluate deep learning (DL)-based deformable image registration (DIR) for dose accumulation during radiotherapy of prostate cancer patients. Data including 341 CBCTs (209 daily, 132 weekly) and 23 planning CTs from 23 patients was retrospectively analyzed. Anatomical deformation during treatment was estimated using free-form deformation (FFD) method from Elastix and DL-based VoxelMorph approaches. The VoxelMorph method was investigated using anatomical scans (VMorph_Sc) or label images (VMorph_Msk), or the combination of both (VMorph_Sc_Msk). Accumulated doses were compared with the planning dose. The DSC ranges, averaged for prostate, rectum and bladder, were 0.60-0.71, 0.67-0.79, 0.93-0.98, and 0.89-0.96 for the FFD, VMorph_Sc, VMorph_Msk, and VMorph_Sc_Msk methods, respectively. When including both anatomical and label images, VoxelMorph estimated more complex deformations resulting in heterogeneous determinant of Jacobian and higher percentage of deformation vector field (DVF) folding (up to a mean value of 1.90% in the prostate). Large differences were observed between DL-based methods regarding estimation of the accumulated dose, showing systematic overdosage and underdosage of the bladder and rectum, respectively. The difference between planned mean dose and accumulated mean dose with VMorph_Sc_Msk reached a median value of +6.3Gy for the bladder and -5.1Gy for the rectum. The estimation of the deformations using DL-based approach is feasible for male pelvic anatomy but requires the inclusion of anatomical contours to improve organ correspondence. High variability in the estimation of the accumulated dose depending on the deformable strategy suggests further investigation of DL-based techniques before clinical deployment.

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