
We study a class of nonlocal Lorentzian quantum field theories, where the d’Alembertian operator is replaced by a non-analytic function of the d’Alembertian, . This is inspired by the causal set program where such an evolution arises as the continuum limit of a wave equation on causal sets. The spectrum of these theories contains a continuum of massive excitations. This is perhaps the most important feature which leads to distinct/interesting phenomenology. In this paper, we study properties of the continuum massive modes in depth. We derive the path integral formulation of these theories. Meanwhile, this derivation introduces a dual picture in terms of local fields which clearly shows how continuum massive modes of the nonlocal field interact. As an example, we calculate the leading order modification to the Casimir force of a pair of parallel planes. The dual picture formulation opens the way for future developments in the study of nonlocal field theories using tools already available in local quantum field theories.

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