
To examine the use of continuous pulse oximetry monitoring (CPOM) of newborns as a non-invasive and non-intrusive standard of care for promoting early and safe skin-to-skin contact between mothers and newborns immediately after birth and to gather acceptability feedback from midwifery staff and mothers. All babies receiving skin-to-skin contact (SSC) had continuous pulse oximetry monitoring (CPOM) for the first-hour postbirth. Staff were trained with education sessions before implementation. Midwives and mothers were surveyed post-implementation and again after distribution of an education brochure regarding CPOM. Seventy per cent of midwives and 66% of mothers responded to the survey. The majority of midwives received the practice positively and felt reassured by the use of CPOM in the immediate postpartum period. The survey identified gaps in maternal knowledge of the risk and benefits of SSC which improved significantly after the distribution of the educational brochure (P=.01). Continuous pulse oximetry monitoring with a compact monitor in the first-hour postbirth is a simple, non-invasive and innovative approach to enhance safe skin-to-skin care by improving vigilance of newborns. Our study confirmed the acceptance of such approach by midwives and mothers in our population.

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