
Purpose of Research: The move to outcome-based education necessitates a process of continuous improvement for academic programs including outcome-based planning, implementation, and assessment. UFE has been demonstrating a commitment to academic excellence through emphasizing outcome-based education since 2009. To do so, the university initiated and developed undergraduate program policy and regulations that indicate learning outcomes at each level including the course and programs. In other words, it shows how course learning outcomes support the programs and we constantly try to measure and evaluate them accordingly. Our learning outcomes model is based on a three-level hierarchically structured definition of learning outcomes that consistently apply to both the entire undergraduate program as well as to each individual course and faculty use this model to design, monitor, and revise both the entire curriculum as well as each individual course on an ongoing basis. As part of this development, the program learning outcomes are being integrated into the information system to link each course's learning outcomes. The new system will make it possible to perform a detailed data analysis to directly assess the program learning outcomes. The overall process guides the university in planning, improving, implementing, and monitoring based on stakeholder satisfaction and performance analysis. This research focuses on quantitative and qualitative analysis of program learning outcomes based on student performance and stakeholder assessment to determine educational achievement, and which can be used in the decision-making about developing or updating programs. 1. During the planning process, we developed a curriculum matrix mapping program learning outcomes onto each of the individual courses and its tasks that would be automated by our information system. So, based on this data, to ensure that all outcomes are covered in at least one course, and preferably more than one. 2. Reviewing the assessment results of determined learning outcomes and its performance. Additionally, Student self assessment is used for this investigation. 3. As well as stakeholders’ assessments are designed and used as significant indicators of educational achievement. So, the gap analysis was employed to examine differences between student performance and the stakeholders’ assessments. 4. To review external stakeholders’ assessment which learning outcomes are preferred or not and their expectations are met. Methods of Research: The research employs a mix of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods to comprehensively assess program education objectives (PEO) and program learning objectives (PLO) at UFE. The following research methods are used in this research. • Quantitative Analysis: Quantitative data from assessments and student performance is statistically analyzed to measure the achievement of program learning outcomes. This includes descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and potentially regression analysis to identify significant factors influencing outcomes. • Qualitative Analysis: Qualitative data, including stakeholder assessments and student self-assessment narratives, is analyzed using thematic analysis or content analysis to identify recurring themes, patterns, and insights. • Gap Analysis: The gap analysis assesses the differences between student performance and stakeholder assessments, high lighting areas where perceptions may differ. • External Stakeholder Assessment Review: The preferences and expectations of external stakeholders are analyzed to determine which learning outcomes are preferred and if they align with UFE's educational objectives. • By employing these research methods, this study aims to contribute valuable insights into the continuous improvement system of UFE and provide evidence-based recommendations for enhancing the outcome planning and assessment processes within the institution.

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