
Abstract. One of modern global optimization algorithms is method of Strongin and Piyavskii modified by Sergeev and Kvasov diagonal approach. In recent paper we propose an extension of this approach to continuous multivariable functions defined on the multidimensional parallelepiped. It is known that Sergeev and Kvasov method applies only to a Lipschitz continuous function though it effectively extends one-dimensional algorithm to multidimensional case. So authors modify We modify mentioned method to a continuous functions using introduced by Vanderbei ε-Lipschitz property that generalizes conventional Lipschitz inequality. Vanderbei proved that a real valued function is uniformly continuous on a convex domain if and only if it is ε-Lipschitz. Because multidimensional parallelepiped is a convex compact set, we demand objective function to be only continuous on a search domain. We describe extended Strongin’s and Piyavskii’s methods in the Sergeev and Kvasov modification and prove the sufficient conditions for the convergence. As an example of proposed method’s application, at the end of this article we show numerical optimization results of different continuous but not Lipschitz functions using three known partition strategies: “partition on 2”, “partition on 2N” and “effective”. For the first two of them we present formulas for computing a new iteration point and for recalculating the ε-Lipschitz constant estimate. We also show algorithm modification that allows to find a new search point on any algorithm’s step.

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