
ABSTRACT The University of Iowa College of Dentistry has expanded its continuing dental education (CDE) offerings to include distance learning on the Iowa Communications Network (ICN). The ICN is a statewide fiber optic network linking 550 sites that provides two‐way interactive audio and video communication. The first course was broadcast on January 30, 1998 to 10 receiving sites across Iowa and was attended by 68 people. The instructor controls what is seen and heard at the remote sites, but participants can enter the discussion by activating their microphones. Recognising that the first distance learning course needed to be successful, the College of Dentistry collaborated with the College of Education to create a highly interactive instructional program. In an evaluation, the participants were almost unanimous in their approval. Ninety‐eight percent said they would attend another course if offered on the ICN. A strong majority of the participants felt the quality of the program was very good and attendance at a site close to their home reduced the cost of their continuing education. Based on the lessons learned from this initial offering, the College of Dentistry plans to expand its distance learning activities to include interactive programs on the ICN and the World Wide Web

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