
An investigation of the codominance maximum computing time of the continued fractions method (CF) for isolation of the real roots of a squarefree integral polynomial when applied to the two-parameter family of polynomials Aa,n(x)=xn−2(ax2−(a+2)x+1)2, with n≥5 and a≥1. These polynomials have two roots, r1 and r2, in the interval (0,1), with |r1−r2|<a−n. It is proved that for these polynomials the maximum time required by CF to isolate those two close roots would be codominant with n5(ln⁡a)2 even if an “ideal” root bound were available and either the Horner method or the Budan method is used for translations. It is proved that if a power-of-two Hong root bound is used by CF to determine translation amounts then the time required to isolate the two close roots is dominated by n6(ln⁡a) if a multiplication-free Budan translation method is used. Computations reveal that the Hong root bound is surprisingly effective when applied to the transformed polynomials that arise, engendering a minimum efficiency conjecture. It is proved that if the conjecture is true then the time to isolate the two close roots is dominated by n5(ln⁡a)2. There is also evidence for a maximum efficiency conjecture. The two conjectures together, if true, make it likely that this time is codominant with n5(ln⁡a)2.

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