
Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in rural Manitoba and the Philippines, this paper uses the example of the small town of Douglas, which since 2009 has been home to a small Filipino community, as a tenuous counter-point to the accounts of exclusion that dominate the scholarship on Temporary Foreign Labour in Canada. This paper draws on ethnographic research conducted in Manitoba with the region’s newest immigrants—those recruited to ensure the viability of the new, diversified rural regional economy, and more specifically, the tourism and hospitality sector, established in the 1970s. In 2009, unable to meet its labour needs regionally, a local hotel began recruiting temporary foreign labour. By 2014, the Hotel had recruited 71 workers from the Philippines, most of whom arrived through Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program; others having arrived through the province’s immigration scheme, the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP). A reflection of the ubiquity of globalized Filipino migration, the well-being of these workers had long been informed by economic development in the Philippines and the centrality of international labour mobility to that state project. What emerges from the data is a simultaneous acceptance and contestation of the conditions of transnational family life, and moreover—reflecting the focus of this special issue—the extent to which migrant well-being shifts in accordance to labour mobility regimes responsive to development. Migrant workers and their families are implicated in these connected, yet differently motivated, state projects. And while particular narratives concerning their contributions come to be valorized and even celebrated, their mental, physical, affective, and relational well-being is often over-looked by those who benefit from their labour and mobility. Of equal importance is the provincial state’s participation in this process through the provision of permanent residency to existing and in-coming migrants. While this benefits individual families, it does not inherently challenge the logics of neoliberalism; rather, drawing on its nuances, it create new possibilities for capital accumulation and exploitation, while offering some protection for select families who are willing and able to abide by the terms established by their employer and the Manitoba state.


  • Tracing the exploitative potential of temporary labour migration and its value for economic and social development in both sending- and receiving-sites, this article highlights a somewhat anomalous immigrant labour recruitment strategy undertaken in collaboration by rural employers and the Manitoban government

  • In the ethnographic tradition of Wolf (2010), and like other anthropologists engaged in studies of political economy (Carrier and Kalb, 2015; Kasmir and Carbonella, 2017) and migration (Mahler and Pessar, 2006; Brettell and Hollifield, 2014), this article elaborates the connection between migrant wellbeing and these multi-sited relationships and dynamics as they relate to economic development in rural Manitoba

  • As the Filipino state to draw on migrant resources in the service of economic development in the Philippines is contingent upon the production and reproduction of social identities conducive to the labour export, in Manitoba, the province’s Nominee Program facilitates the long-term retention of workers through the provision of permanent status in Canada to some temporary foreign workers

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Tracing the exploitative potential of temporary labour migration and its value for economic and social development in both sending- and receiving-sites, this article highlights a somewhat anomalous immigrant labour recruitment strategy undertaken in collaboration by rural employers and the Manitoban government It does so as a means of elaborating the contingent relationship between migrant wellbeing, rural economic development, and the partial or potential social inclusion increasingly on offer by the Canadian state, via Provincial Nominee Programs. While this inclusion emerges as a possible win for employers and workers alike, in a global context characterized by high levels of migrant vulnerability, dependence, and precarity, it shrouds the underlying exploitative logic of labour migration schemes historically and in the contemporary neoliberal moment. Like many rural centres across the Canadian prairies (Moss et al, 2010; Nakache and Blanchard, 2014; Bucklaschuk, 2015; Wright et al, 2017), the labour required of meeting the needs of these temporarily mobile people has fallen to a largely migrant workforce, comprised predominantly of Filipino workers, though more recently, workers from the Caribbean (Bryan 2019a; Bryan, 2019b)

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