
Abstract With the continued exploration for, and probable development of, oil and gas reserves in the Beaufort Sea, there is an ever increasing need for responsible risk management and effective contingency planning. Responsible risk management is part of the initial phase of effective contingency planning. Contingency plans have to be site specific and provide detailed response methods while maintaining flexibility to react to any given situation in a timely and effective manner. Contingency plans need to reflect the current advances in technology and the increased understanding of environmental issues. It is essential that relevant input from all key stakeholders; industry, government and the public, are incorporated into the plans and response activities, and open lines of communication are maintained before, during and after all "risk" operations. This paper will discuss Esso Resources contingency plans for drilling in the Beaufort Sea; how these plans are developed, what assumptions and commitments are made within the plans, and how they relate to the current and future strategies for drilling operations in tire Beaufort. Introduction Contingency plans are preparations to deal with any foreseeable emergency situation that may arise. They are basic structures and strategies that will facilitate appropriate responses to emergency situations. Contingency plans are a reactionary tool to be used when measures to minimize the risk of an emergency have failed. They are essential to minimizing the severity of an emergency situation and should ensure a safe and effective emergency response. However, they should not undermine the importance of taking preventive actions and mitigative measures to minimize the risk of an event or emergency occurring in the first place. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure ". A large emphasis should be placed on the up-front engineering and planning process. Detailed planning is essential in reducing the possibility of an incident occurring. A well planned and executed project should minimize all potential risks. Responsible risk management and effective contingency planning are separate but overlapping processes. Risk management prevents emergencies, and contingency plans help to prevent disasters. Efforts should be placed more strongly into the proactive measures to prevent the emergency rather than measures on how to respond to the emergency. The drilling industry and government have been the primary players in determining contingency plan criteria, and recently there has been an increasing desire by the public to become more involved in the process. Operators should expect to be developing contingency plans openly and with direct input from the general public. Ultimately, it is the local communities that bear the consequences of a disaster. As exploration for oil and gas continues in the frontiers, it is essential that responsible risk management and effective contingency planning are undertaken. In the past, industry has conducted its business under a framework of values that were acceptable to society. Today, society's level of education and environmental awareness is much higher. Coupled with the increased desire to preserve the environment, society's values have changed. Industry has to be fully cognizant of these new values and reflect them in the manner that they conduct their business.

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