
This article aims to explain how to apply the approach to action and consequences with a progressive contextual explanation mode in the study of marine fisheries resource use practices in fishing communities. This approach is part of an effort to develop a critical study of human ecology. The approach with an explanation mode would like to explain empirically and progressively the patterns of fishing practices and the environmental and resource consequences of marine fisheries caused (positive, negative) in the context of their internal and external and historical socio-cultural influences. The approach with explanation mode rejects assumptions from various perspectives of previous anthropological theories which tend to be ideal, essentialist, general and abstract, totalist, and a priori, which are not or less able to see the phenomenon of variation, the role of individuals and parts, processes, openness system, change, temporal and context. Through the application of the approaches and explanatory modes, the complexity of the practices of the various fishing categories of Pulau Sembilan (Sinjai) which are used as illustrations can be understood empirically, contextually, and holistically as they are.

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