
This study describes the contents of the Friday sermon selected by the preachers in Jayapura City. The research method used is a qualitative method by recording Friday sermons from several types of mosques, that is the Great Mosque of Ash Shalihin in Jayapura City, Baiturrahim Mosque, Kotaraja, Skyland Complex, and the Campus Mosque of State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Fathul Muluk in Jayapura. This study found that the procedure for selecting khatibs in Jayapura City was coordinated by the Ministry of Religious Affairs except for Heram and Muara Tami Districts. Therefore, content easier to coordinate. In general, the preachers in Jayapura City prefer themes around matters of faith, jurisprudence, and morals. Besides that, the preachers also often choose content related to events that are currently viral. Meanwhile, there is very little content related to religious moderation, including local wisdom. Several factors are the religious context in Jayapura, which is predominantly Christian so that the preacher tends to choose a theme that is safe from controversy. Also, literacy about religious moderation material as well as local wisdom possessed by preachers and the community is still lacking.

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