
The context concept defines the space of agents' actions and interactions working on tangible and intangible objects and their associated knowledge, in order to satisfy individual and collective purposes. In this space appears the problems and then the solutions are placed. The definition of processes as the application of a context on a domain, gives place to the concept of context-involved products or solutions. Context concept supports the implementation of Social Integration and Regionalization, included as development axes of Minerva University Model (MUM), in academic and social practice, and the inclusion and treatment of these concepts in curricula, based on actions and interactions of involved agents. Students' learning operates generally in a context different of the context where professional practice is realized. A desirable paradigm could be to refer learning and professional practice to the same space of action and interaction of interested agents. In the present work, we identify a context where problems, related to Social Integration and to Regionalization, appear and other context where the social practice for attaining these concepts is efficiently developed. The transition from problem context to solution context and the adoption of processes to exploit agents' actions and interaction in the solution context are the objective of this article. A context for accomplishment of objectives of Social Integration and Regionalization is introduced too. Based on context concept, process and scenario concepts are defined. The concepts of context and context-based process and scenarios are explained in relation to the development of Products Lines and their extension to Process Lines.

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