
Acronym disambiguation is the process of determining the correct expansion of an acronym in given context, which can assist many downstream natural language processing tasks. Typically, existing methods on this task will directly perform semantic comparisons between the candidate expansions and the original sentence, ignoring the relevance of contextual information to expansions. To solve this issue, this paper proposes a context-aware acronym disambiguation method with Siamese BERT network (ContextAD). First, we combine each candidate expansion with corresponding acronym’s context to form a new sentence set. Then, the new and original sentences are input into a Siamese BERT network that can obtain the semantic similarity. The new sentences and the separate candidate expansions are input into the Siamese BERT network, respectively, along with the original sentences, which can obtain another semantic similarity. Finally, the two different semantic similarities are combined to determine the most suitable expansion. We quantify the improvement of our proposed ContextAD model against a state-of-the-art baseline using the public dataset of the shared tasks of acronym disambiguation (AD) held under AAAI-2021 workshop on SDU and show that it achieves a better performance based on the same BERT model.

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