
Social deep-diving odontocetes face the challenge of balancing near-surface proximity to oxygen and group members with foraging in the deep sea. Individuals rely on conspecifics for critical life functions, such as predator defence, but disperse during foraging to feed individually. To understand the role of social acoustic mediation during foraging in deep-diving toothed whales, we investigated the context of social burst-pulse call production in Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus) using biologgers. Dolphins produced context-specific burst pulses predominantly during daytime foraging, preceding or following foraging dives and in the early descent of daytime deep dives. Individuals applied differential short and long burst-pulse calls intended for either near-surface receivers (horizontal transmission) or deep-foraging receivers (vertical transmission). Our results show that deep-diving toothed whales are reliant on acoustic communication during certain foraging contexts, to relay information including foraging conditions or an individual's location. Moreover, they accentuate the importance of maintaining acoustic contact with conspecifics, specifically when dispersed during deeper foraging. It also signifies that our oceanic top predators may be specifically vulnerable to the current strong increase in anthropogenic noise. Potential masking of the signals from group members communicating at a distance could undermine their social cohesion, and hence their capacity to maintain vital life functions.

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